Lohan's ex thinks he turned her into a lesbian

London, Best, son of legendary soccer star George Best, dated actress Lindsay Lohan for a short while and he now thinks that he may have turned her into a lesbian.

According to us, the two had dated in 2007 but broke off soon after. Best spoke out about the brief relationship and said he had no ill feelings towards Lohan and her girlfriend Samantha Ronson.

I think I turned her. I think good on her. I think she's really cool, I got nothing bad to say about her and hope for the best for her," Best said.

He added: "Those poor girls like Britney and that lot, they're so stuck in the public eye. Those girls have got people following them around from eight in the morning till eight at night. Sometimes they milk it and sometimes they like it, but overall the girl can't do something without anybody talking about it. So, if she likes girls, she likes girls. I'm happy for her.

