Danielle Bux UK edition Maxim Magazine (November 2008 issue).

Danielle Bux is on the cover of UK edition Maxim Magazine (November 2008 issue).

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Lauren Conrad visits Late Show with David Letterman

Ever so lovely Lauren Conrad visits the “Late Show with David Letterman” in New York City on October 27th.

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Gemma Arterton attends ‘Quantum of Solace’

Gemma Arterton attends the Royal World Premiere of ‘Quantum of Solace’ held at the Odeon Leicester Square on October 29, 2008 in London, England.

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December issue of Maxim, Hollyoaks: babe sizzles in a “Diamond

Roxanne McKee is featured in the latest December issue of Maxim Magazine. The 28-year-old Hollyoaks babe sizzles in a “Diamond Rox” shoot and says: “Yeah, the shoot was really good, really enjoyable. My favorite part od the day was lunch. And the most diva-ish thing I did was ask for a bottle of watter.“

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Katie Price aka Jordan her giant boobs to sell things

Katie Price aka Jordan is using her giant boobs to sell things, this time hair care products. Fot this special launch event in Oxford Street’s Superdrug, Jordan wore a special two-in-one outfit, holding curling tongs in one hand and straighteners in the other.

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David Beckham ogling cheerleaders again

David Beckham was spotted ogling cheerleaders again at an NBA game at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles. Let us remind you, in April, he was caught leering at a cheerleader at that same venue. Now that he’s moving to Europe leaving his family in America, we can expect more of his compromising photos!

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Sober-FunHouse Pink Music- Get Free Download Here

Alecia Moore [born September 8th 1978 in Doylestown, Pennsylvania] known professionally as Pink or P!nk is a two-time Grammy-winning American singer-songwriter who gained prominence in 1998. Pink released her first record, the R&B-oriented 'Can't Take Me Home', in 2000 via LaFace Records. Her pop rock-based second studio album, 'M!ssundaztood', was released in 2001 and is her biggest seller to date.

'Funhouse' is the fifth studio album by pop singer Pink, set to be released in North America on October 28th 2008. Pink has stated that this album is her most vulnerable to date. Much of the album's subject matter alludes to the fact that Moore recently divorced her husband Carey Hart. The first single, 'So What', is the best example of this, where the song opens with: "I guess I just lost my husband/I don't know where he went". The CD will have a Parental Advisory sticker on it as a number of the songs on the album contain harsh language, such as the track 'Funhouse'. The album's lead single, 'So What', has been the biggest solo success of Pink's career to date, topping the charts in eleven countries so far, including her native United States, and also in the UK, and reaching the top 10 in many others.

  • So What
  • Sober
  • Don't Believe You
  • One Foot Wrong
  • Please Don't Leave Me
  • Bad Influence
  • Funhouse
  • Crystal Ball
  • Mean
  • It's All Your Fault
  • Ave Mary A
  • Glitter In The Air
UK Bonus Tracks:
  • This Is How It Goes Down [Feat. Travis McCoy]
  • Boring

Genre: Music
Category: Audio

Audio Bitrate: MP3 ABR 125kbps
Release Date: 20-10-2008
Size: 1cd
Source: Get Shock
Subtitles: English
Title: Right Now- Leon Jackson
Last Update: 1 Day ago

1789 seeds, 858 leechers

Total size: 186.33 megabyte

Download This Torrent Here

Note : To download this file, you will need Utorrent or any downlaod torrent manager.

“He still acts like a doggie model sometimes OLIVIA WILDE

Women’s Health Magazine, November 2008.
Part -3

The two certainly don’t live like nobility. Their bohemian Venice Beach loft is crammed with oversize abstract art, ethnic furniture, and cookbooks scarred with food stains. “I used to play hooky from school so I could watch cooking shows,” says Wilde, who loves to throw impromptu dinner parties. She tries to be relaxed about her eating, but she avoids bread and pasta as much as possible–not always easy when you’re married to an Italian. Cheese and good wine, however, are daily staples. “I don’t own a scale, and Tao banned the word fat from our house,” she says. “If we eat too much, we say, ‘I feel clogged up.’”

Wilde–who actually has won a few eating contests in her day–knows that feeling well. “Once, in Australia, I ate 33 pancakes in 20 minutes, and I only did it because they said a girl could never enter the competition,” she says proudly. “I won against these giant men, and they were convinced I was cheating. Guys have some sort of sick fascination with girls who can eat.” Conversely, Wilde says, women seem to get off on women who don’t eat. A year ago, during a visit to Thailand with her husband, she caught a nasty case of Dengue fever and lost about 15 pounds. “I looked really thin, and all the men in my life were worried about me,” she says. “But all the women in my life were proud of me. They started calling it ‘the Dengue diet.’

”To work off the occasional pound or three of pancakes, Wilde exercises daily. She spins at a local studio (a fact she’s embarrassed to admit, since she’s just blocks from the beach). “I make fun of it, but it’s amazing, because you have to push yourself through this resistance, which is so therapeutic,” she says. “And they say you can burn nearly 800 calories in, like, 45 minutes if you push it to the highest level.” She also does yoga, dabbles in karate, and hikes regularly with her dogs: a bulldog named Lola that she lovingly refers to as “a side of ham” and a fluffy mutt that goes by Paco. In 2006 Paco won a contest to be the “spokesdog” for Old Navy. He traveled, sat for photo shoots, and got paid (his salary went to a canine charity). “He still acts like a doggie model sometimes. If I put a T-shirt on him, he won’t move. He thinks he’s back at the job; he’ll strike a pose and just sit there.”

As for herself, she’ll pass on posing for hours on end. “It would be so depressing to be a model and not get to say a word,” she says. “There’s no personality involved.” Even perfecting a paparazzi-worthy smile for the red carpet has been a challenge. “I got a tip, which sounds ridiculous but actually works,” she says. She suddenly flinches, like she’s in extreme pain, and says “Ouf!” Is it appendicitis, doc? Another bout of Dengue fever? Nope. “You have to smile like someone just punched you in the stomach. Bam! Smile! Bam! Smile!”

“Honestly, I think we’re all bisexual in some way.” OLIVIA WILDE

Women’s Health Magazine, November 2008.
Part -2

Her series of Sapphic smooches with Mischa Barton
in the second season of The O.C. launched this Washington, DC, native into the role of male fantasy fodder. (The steamy kisses have garnered 100,000-plus YouTube hits, and she says she still gets letters from sexually confused young women who consider Wilde a role model.) “When I kiss a girl for a part, people think it’s sexy. But if two guys kiss, suddenly there’s a backlash. It’s a double standard,” she says, munching on a guacamole pesto taco. “Honestly, I think we’re all bisexual in some way.”

And who would top Wilde’s own girl-on-girl tryst list? “Angelina Jolie, hands down! Just seeing an actress who has been through it all and who doesn’t care what other people say about her–someone who has forged her own path,” she says. Wilde met her crush at last year’s Golden Globes, where Jolie was up for her role as Mariane Pearl in A Mighty Heart: “I was sitting at her knees and talking about my parents [well-known international journalists Leslie and Andrew Cockburn] and how dangerous being a journalist in a foreign country can be,” she says. “Later, I was like, ‘Brad who?’ I didn’t even realize he was leaning over her shoulder the whole time. Everyone around her just disappeared.”

One guy Wilde has found impossible to ignore is her husband, Tao Ruspoli. Several years ago, she was feeling a bit turned off by L.A. guys–”they spend way more time looking in the mirror than I ever do,” she says–when a friend of her parents suggested a set-up. She bristled. “He wanted to introduce me to this Italian guy who made films and lived on a school bus. I said, ‘Whoa! I don’t want to meet a dude who lives on a bus!’” Turns out the guy was an Italian prince whose family owns a palazzo in Rome and a castle in Vignanello, Italy. He’s a filmmaker and documentarian; the bus is a mobile studio for a cinema collective he founded.

Within six months, the two had eloped–on the bus, no less. (They later had a proper wedding in Virginia.) Ruspoli was 27; Wilde, just 18. “My dad did have a minor heart attack, and it was hard to imagine settling down at the time,” she recalls. “But there was this wave of romantic excitement and an overwhelming sense that we were supposed to be family. We were very open to the idea that if it didn’t work, we would let it go its course. No pressure.” (A quick glance at her ring finger reveals a chunky gold band, not the honking emerald-cut rock favored by Hollywood
royalty.) Wilde gets a kick out of people’s first reaction to her titled spouse. “Everyone expects him to pick me up in a limo or a yacht,” she says. “Then Tao rolls up in this old Thunderbird, wearing flip-flops, his hair all crazy. People are like, ‘He’s a prince?’”

Not only am I dying, but I’m gay. Now, that’s a juicy OLIVIA WILDE

“House” star Olivia Wilde covers the November 2008 edition of Women’s Health Magazine. She has the perfect prescription for a stress-free life: a good book, a prince of a guy, and the occasional 33-pancake breakfast!

Women’s Health Magazine, November 2008.
Part -1

They call this ‘the death corner,’ because there are so many accidents,” says Olivia Wilde, poised to cross a busy boulevard in Venice, California, on her retro-blue beach cruiser. Cars whiz by. She looks left, then right, then suddenly shouts over her shoulder: “OK! Here we go!” Great. An actress with a God complex. Then again, she does play a doctor on TV, and in a pinch, she probably could perform CPR. Or stanch a gushing head wound.

Well, maybe not. “Hmm. I don’t know if I could save you. But I am fascinated with neurology, so I know a lot about the brain,” says Wilde, better known as Thirteen, the bisexual M.D. with a terminal brain disorder on Fox’s hit series House. (”Not only am I dying, but I’m gay. Now, that’s a juicy role,” she says.) Her job leads her to self-diagnose every bump and itch she gets: “Yesterday I was dehydrated and my fingers were twitching, so I thought, ‘I have ALS and I probably have three years to live.’ I freaked out.”

Thankfully, Wilde recovered. So much so that she suggested this leisurely if slightly treacherous ride to the Santa Monica farmers’ market for an al fresco lunch. For the self-described “sort-of vegetarian who eats fish,” the lure is a raw-food stand and a chance to plop down and wiggle her toes in a patch of grass. “You’re not going to believe this, but they have bike valets there,” she says. “Only in Los Angeles, right? So crazy.”

The same could be said for Wilde’s rapid ascent from casting assistant to TV star. Since arriving here in 2002, the 24-year-old Irish-American has shape-shifted from a blonde nympho in the indie fave Alpha Dog to a sultry brunette in the slasher flick Turistas. (”Brunettes have more fun,” she says, “because people don’t know what to expect from them.”) She also just finished shooting a goofy period comedy called The Year One in Shreveport, Louisiana, alongside Jack Black, Michael Cera, and David Cross. “It was freaking cold at times, and there were a lot of unpleasant conditions,” she says, “but I was surrounded by the funniest human beings I have ever met. There was zero drama.”

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie made her first post-twin trip to Afghanistan earlier this week to appeal for more support for refugees who are returning home. Watch the VIDEO! (courtesy of Entertainment Tonight)

“The courage, resilience and quiet dignity of returnee families rebuilding their lives against the kind of adversity few of us can imagine shows the human spirit at its best,” said Angelina, 33, and added: “”When you ask them what they need, they just smile and say, ‘Everything,’. They have suffered so much, and yet the Afghan people remain, gracious, open. They have a quiet dignity.”

Kim Kardashian celebrates her birthday Disasterly

The “Disaster Movie” hottie,
Kim Kardashian celebrates her birthday at LAX Nightclub Las Vegas on Friday, 24. October. Her sisters Kourtney and Khloe also attended the party, as well as Reggie Bush, her boyfriend.

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Baywatch babe just wanted to show off her augmented boobs

Here’s Traci Bingham, 40, taking out the garbage in a ridiculously staged photoshoot. I guess the former Baywatch babe just wanted to show off newly injected lips and her augmented boobs that seem to be floating up!

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We had sushi and no one trashed the room." Lindsay

Keeping a low profile as of late, Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson were spotted leaving their New York City hotel on Tuesday night (October 28).

The "Mean Girls" starlet and her British DJ girlfriend were reportedly on the way to club Citrine, where Samantha was lined up to spin the evening awayIn related news, LiLo's mom, Dina Lohan, recently lashed out at reports of a feud between her daughter and America Ferrera on the set of "Ugly Betty," telling People magazine that Lindsay "had fun working on the show."

"It was just silly," Dina said of the alleged on-set feuding. "America's a doll. And they said [Lindsay] brought a posse. It was my mother and myself, and [sister] Ali. It was not a posse. We had sushi and no one trashed the room."

"She had fun on 'Ugly Betty'. It was long hours and when you're on a movie set it's a lot different. She's not used to television, but it was fun," Dina adds.

Tell Me What We’re Gonna Do Now” I'm so nervous.

She’s one of the most precocious soul singers in recent memory, and earlier today Joss Stone was over at the Hard Rock CafĂ© in London, England for the launch of the Serve3 benefit album.

The “Tell Me What We’re Gonna Do Now” songstress looked excited to be a part of Hard Rock’s 2008 global “Imagine There’s No Hunger” campaign, even offering up a performance as part of the festivities.Speaking of festivities, Joss recently told press that she’s getting nervous that the holiday season is approaching, as she’s hosting her family’s Christmas celebration for the first time this year.

"I'm having Christmas at my house. I'm going to host it for the first time and I'm so nervous. My mum did such a great job every year. The tree was gorgeous and all the Christmas presents and the Christmas breakfast."

“I Kissed a Girl,” Katy Perry

She’s already made a name for herself with the androgynous hit “I Kissed a Girl,” and now Katy Perry is exploring more of her masculine side.

The pop singer was spotted at a big party held at Siren Studios, dressed as legendary Queen frontman Freddie Mercury, donning a fake moustache and wig along with a flashy yellow jacket and white trackpants.Getting back to her feminine tendencies, Perry has donated a sculpture of her bust to raise money for a breast cancer charity.

The bust will be up for auction, starting November 26th, with the proceeds going to the Keep a Breast Foundation. Her boyfriend, Gym Class Heroes frontman Travis McCoy, will be adding his own style to the bust with a custom paint job

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Kim Kardashian graces November’s ‘Vegas’

Kim Kardashian graces the cover of November’s ‘Vegas’ magazine in an absolutely stunning pictorial! Pictures from inside the magazine inside the full story.

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