The Safety of the LHC

The Larger Hadrons Collider (LHC) can achieve an energy that no other particle accelerators have reached before, But the nature routinely produces higher energies in cosmic-ray collisions. Concerns about the safety of whatever may be created in such high-energy particles collisions have been addressed for many years. In the light of new experimental data and theoretical understanding, the LHC safety Assessment Group (LSAG) has updating a review of the analysis made in 2003 by the LHC safety study group, a group of independent scientists.

LSAG reaffirms and extends the conclusion of the 2003 report that LHC collisions present no danger and that there are no reasons for concern. whatever the LHC will do, nature has already done many times over during the lifetimeof the earth ant other astronomical bodies. The LSAG report has been reviewed and endorsed bt CERN's scientific Policy committee, a group of external scientists that advises CERN's governing body, it's council.

